Saturday 8 March 2008

My First Week at CIC

First week(excluding orientation) was alright. Just had to go to classes and buy books. The books are really expensive (My friend paid AUD100 for Physics 2nd-hand book). I have not bought all my books yet.
Some stuff that I had to do that I never had to do before:

  1. take the bus everyday

  2. do my own laundry

  3. put sunscreen everyday!!
Some stuff that happened:

  1. got lost while looking for the bus stop to go home, ended up in the student guild area

  2. got lost again, this time, I ended up in the car park

  3. went to 2nd-hand Book Sale (sold my students) - managed to get 2 out of 4 books that I need for thi semester

  4. found out that there was a 2nd-hand bookstore that sold books at a much much cheaper price (it was too late when I found out, no books left)

  5. went to the library to look for the books, but got blur, so I had to ask for help from a librarian

Bus experiences:

  1. missed the bus stop and ended up in a shopping mall, then had to take another bus back again.

  2. almost missed the bus because I didn't hail it.

  3. kinda got scolded by the bus driver and 2 elders because of 1 and 2

  4. every trip is AUD0.90, sometimes AUD0.60 I don;t know why the rated are different

Classes and Lectures:

  1. changed my schedule and units many times over a long period of time(one and a half weeks)

  2. Taking 8 units over 2 semesters (which means I'll probably be back around October before I go back in February again)

  3. Exam is in Week 13 (now is still in Week 1)

Units for Semester 1:

Communications 1:

  • All the girls in the class(other than me) are Indonesians (except one who is pretty much Australian)

  • I'm the only girl who did not sit with a girl (cos odd number, and I came in later than the other girls)

  • I'm sitting at the last row in class (same reason)

  • I'm going to sit somewhere neared to the front in the next class (hopefully)

  • I have not met the lecturer because it was another who taught us for Week 1

  • I'm praying that the lecturer is a good and patient (haha..)

  • I asked around, according to senior students, should be a piece of cake (hopefully)

Mathematics 021 (Form 4)

  • I have not been to the class yet (missed the first week because I took too long to decide on my units-the mentor give wrong info-agrhhhh)

  • Heard that the lecturer likes to tease and say stuff about his students

  • Most students, generally don't like him

Physics 013 (Form 4)

  • Out of about 40 students, only about 4 are female

  • According to the lecturer, JB, guys cannot work with girls

  • But I don't wanna work with girls only (because from what I observed, most of the other girls won't be putting in much effort in projects and assignments)


  • Out of about 25 students, 2-4 are female

  • Again, according to the lecturer, JB, guys cannot work with girls

  • And guys cannot ask girls for help, unless the girl ask them for help

  • I don't like this unit!!

  • This is SOOO not me

  • But, its an open book test (haha), and you can use any saved projects when you are sitting for the exam
Lecturer JB:
  1. has a great sense of humour

  2. despises John Howard and George Bush

  3. students cannot refer to him as 'Sir' (or mister) If they do, for 4 or more times in one semester, they will fail

  4. when there is something he likes or he thinks is cool, he says:


(extracted from

(cos we learning about plagiarism)

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