Saturday 12 April 2008


I made sushi for the first time after cell group on Friday night. First one was kinda square-ish, but still its not bad,since I found a picture of a square-shaped sushi.

Fillings available on that night were:


The mayo let out a squirt when i was trying to roll the sushi, made me and the other girls around me laugh..

Some peopla made californian roll with the extra seaweed, since there weren't anymore rice left.

The 'juice' in the tuna 'leaked' out of the seaweed while i was eating the 'californian roll', so I had to wash my baju the next day.


A Makisu, made out of bamboo, used to roll the sushi.


For those who wants to make sushi, here are some simple brief instructions i found on the internet.

Making Sushi Rice
(Using a rice cooker)
1. Prepare the rice vinegar by heating it with sugar and salt until they are dissolved.
2. Rinse the rice in cold water for several minutes.
3. Steam in a rice cooker.
4. One can alternately bring water to a boil, add the rice, then cook over very low heat until the water is evaporated. This will leave the rice sticky and perfect for spreading on your nori (a thin sheet of seaweed).
5. Either use the rice soon after preparing it, or cover it with a damp cloth to keep it moist.
6. Do not refrigerate the cooked rice.

Rolling and Cutting the Sushi
1. Put a sheet of plastic wrap over the bamboo mat.
2. Place Nori down on the bamboo mat. Typically, the shinier side is put face down.
3. With damp hands, grab the cooked rice and spread it onto the Nori. The layer of rice should be thin enough so that you can see the nori underneath.
4. Leave about half an inch of space at the edge of the nori furthest from you, and rub a bit of warm water on it. This will help the two sides of nori stick together.
5. Line up your ingredients in the middle of the nori.
6. Tighten the roll as you go, the same way you would a rug to minimize excess space. Be careful not to make it too tight, however, or fillings may start to fall out.
7. Once tightened, you should be able to unwrap the bamboo without the roll coming apart.
8. Cover your roll with the bamboo mat and press your hands over it to further pack the roll.
9. Move your full roll to a cutting board. Slice it first down the middle. From there you can cut it into sixths or eighths, whichever you prefer.
10. It is best the rinse te sharp knife after every cut/slice, so that the cut is clean and smooth, with no rice sticking to it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey...we got a sushi king- trained sushi master haha....calvin lee

My Visual DNA